Students write a CV and cover letter, then have an interview to get a job
Students have to write a CV and application letter, then have an interview to get an internship / get selected in a cheerleading team, etc…
Choose a familiar situation for the assistant : He/she was a cheerleader, he/she volunteered for B.Obama’s campaign, etc…
He/she explains to the students what the job / activity consists of and uses photos, videos, sounds as much as possible, then he/she has them write a short recap.
He/she shows them his/her own CV and asks them to prepare their own for the next class.
The assistant asks the students which qualities are required to be a good cheerleader / intern at the White House…(brainstorming) and writes down key words.
He/she shows them his/her application letter. (what the different parts are, what parts should be emphasized depending on the job…)
He/she asks them to prepare their cover letter for the next class, and takes their CVs home.
Have the students practise a mock interview in pairs, and walk around with the assistant to answer their questions.
The assistant has taken their CVs and cover letters home, and read them. Before the next class he/she selects the best / most interesting / funniest ones…. to interview the students.
(the rest of the group is with the teacher)
The assistant interviews the selected students one by one and grants the best ones the job !