The students create a CD cover (drawing, collage…) for a “historical” song the assistant taught them, and justify their choices to the rest of the group.
The students have to create a CD cover (drawing, collage…) for a “historical” song taught in class by the assistant, and justify their choices to the rest of the group.
First, the teacher and assistant pick out 3 or 4 songs relevant in History
Examples :
"When the Saints" : Slavery ;
"Strange Fruit "by Billie Holiday : racial discrimination ;
"Times they are a’changing" by Bob Dylan : the 60s ;
"OHIO" by Crosby, Still, Nash and Young : the Vietnam war ;
"The River" by Bruce Springsteen : the 80s
(Go to the public library to borrow the CDs if you don’t have the songs !)
For each song/period :
The assistant shows the key words, waits for the students to say anything that comes to their mind… He/she classifies these elements then adds the essential information about the period. The students take notes and will write a short recap for the next class.
The assistant asks them for any famous music style / singer / song from this period they may have heard about ..
They all listen to the song and study the text.
After all songs have been studied, the assistant asks the students to create a CD cover (a square 9x9 cm) for their favourite one, and present it to the rest of the group.
He/she can photocopy the best ones for everyone !
NB : a useful lesson to help plan the project in the schoolbook “Going Places” terminales Chapter 7 p.94-95
For Collège, the teacher and assistant can use the same pattern with (fewer) nursery rhymes !